Saturday, October 17, 2015

Holy Shit We Live Here Now!

(originally posted October 10th)
Soooooo for those of you that haven’t figured out whats going on yet, Carissa and I packed everything in a POD and moved to Southern California this week. I transferred jobs with my company and Carissa can actually say she quit her job and moved to California. I’ll do a quick recap of the first week here.
Monday: Left TF Green Airport in Providence, RI and traveled for 10ish hours to get to Los Angeles, CA around 7pm (local time). From there we went and rented our sweet Kia Sedona minivan (thanks Ronnie) and drove to the Airbnb where we were staying. We also went out to dinner at a place whose name I don’t remember but that my Uncle Jim recommended. they had good food and it was overlooking Laguna beach.
Tuesday: It was a day of apartment searching. We saw like 10ish apartments and pretty much did nothing else all day. We had dinner at Del Taco which is pretty much a different taco bell chain but I didn’t have to be wasted at 2am to want to eat it. Also the property manager at the first place we saw was a girl named “Carmel Monger.” We had to explain the concept of what a snow day was to her because while talking about New England weather she didn’t really understand what a “snow day” was. I’d like to think its because she was too focused on her carmel endeavors.
Wednesday: Carissa had job interviews out the wazoo and i went to look for a car. i went to a stereotypical used car dealer and when i was looking at the car it was falling apart before my eyes. needless to say we left and i kept on trucking along in my super cool mom-mobile. We also ate dinner at Buco De Bepo which is the most fun thing to say in a confused voice with an Italian accent like “aaaayyyyyyy buco de bepo buco de bepooooooo“. We also saw the Martian which was a great movie. Matt Damon.
Thursday: More interviews for Carissa and more car hunting for Jeff. I went further north on Thursday to check out what there was north of Anaheim. I drove past Angels Stadium (baseball) and the Honda Center (hockey) which are conveniently on opposite sides of the highway. I drove a car that seemed pretty neat but the place didn’t have great reviews. It was still probably the best option to that point but you never buy the first candy you see right?
Friday: Drove to San Diego to look at more cars. Ended up buying a 2005 Audi A4 Convertible. Its red and has a multi-disk CD player (I’m moving forward slowly in the car audio department). It was a long day of test driving cars but when we woke up we had no apartment, Carissa had no job, i had no car, and both of us were not sweaty. By the time we got home around 9pm we found out that our apartment application had been approved, Carissa had accepted a job, I bought a car (pictures forthcoming) and both of us had sweat through our clothes! All and all I would say this week came together much more nicely than either of us really expected. Side note: we went to Ocean Beach for dinner after we put the down payment on my new car and Carissa stepped in puke. then she walked around like she had a club foot trying to get the puke off her sandal. So everybody was a winner!

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